• A new hope.

    The kid took a no-hit bid into the sev­enth. Almost the eighth, even.

  • Five years.

    Chris­t­ian Par­en­ti updates us from Kab­ul. It’s not good news.

  • Rejoicing city that dwelt carelessly.

    Down­load: Sunn/Boris — Aku­ma No Kuma Adding drums to the Sunn O))) sound was use­ful [and less bor­ing (you heard right) than the cease­less sweep­ing drone], but the vocals on this track, run through a vocoder, recast both groups as ELO [for Darth Vader]!

  • Masked and anonymous.

    My blurbs are at least six­ty-six per­cent authored by me [scroll down and see.] New favorites com­ing soon. It may be pre­sump­tu­ous [and sad] but in the post-Pazz ‘n’ Jop era, any­thing’s pos­si­ble! [Favorite sin­gle of the moment is this.]

  • A lamentable descent.

    I agree with this, more or less. And this, while beau­ti­ful in the way that expen­sive mar­ket­ing often is, does­n’t help mat­ters much. Am I alone in think­ing that when an artist says that noth­ing good has come of the last twen­ty-five years, they real­ly mean the last forty-five? That said, I may be out to…