It’s nice out.
“New Releases” Sounds So Cathartic!
Reflections on the culture wars. It’s just what happens when you put people who’ve studied labor markets and read Foucault and Marx into a retail environment. [via S/FJ ] More on Linklater’s A Scanner Darkly and Melville’s Army of Shadows shortly. Meanwhile, I’m busy with: Dana Spiotta’s Eat the Document [via Tally Ho Soundsystem]; revisiting…
Jewel in: Thorstein Veblen, Screwed ‘n’ Chopped!
Via MTV News: Nickelodeon will premiere a new cartoon created by, written by, and starring Jewel this Fall. It’ll be called Punk Rock Angel Girl. In the series, Punk Rock Angel Girl (PRAG) “discovers that a big, faceless corporation called Megacorp is trying to brainwash the youth of America to buy things that nobody would ever…
Cryptopsy in: Once Was Not — Negations and Other Pleasantries, Live!
Cryptopsy Wed., July 19, 7:30pm. $12. With Left to Vanish, Killing + Decomposed. First Unitarian Church, 2125 Chestnut St. 866.468.7619. www.r5productions.com Last year’s Once Was Not marked Cryptopsy’s triumphant return from a five-year hiatus. A characteristically brutal yet instrumentally masterful album rife with withering guitars, drummer Flo Mounier’s relentless blastbeats and some of the grimmest…
Hot Chip vs. Xtina, Rihanna & Sean Paul in: 2006 Singles
Some favorites aka, what keeps me tethered to reality: Chamillionaire — “Ridin’ ” [Turf the yard or town square or local park if you like. Ryan Zimmerman, Nationals third baseman, uses this for his batting music. Pretty fucked.] Rihanna — “S.O.S.” Christina Aguilera — “Ain’t No Other Man” Sean Paul — “Temperature” [Favorite census taker, ever.] Destiny’s Child…