Antonioni vs. Vitti in: Post-industrial Love Affair!
Download: Liars — “Drum Gets a Glimpse” Red Desert. June 25th @ BAM. It doesn’t even get mentioned. Antonioni’s first color feature is an out of print triumph not to be missed. Sick with the ennui that permeates his films, with mis-en-scene to match.
Feldman vs. Adorno in: Maxima Moralia!
Download: Battered — “Oblivion Awaits” Can of worms: opened. Artmetal.html says it all, but then there’s an argument presented in the seven ensuing pages meant to edify an unfamiliar audience with “intelligent” metal. It’s a variant of the high/low culture debate, usually reserved for sundering HipHop, or from a “populist” perspective, modern art, but applicable…
Pick a bigger weapon?
Notes on Excepter, Edan, Prefuse 73 and The Coup, Boris and Espers forthcoming, as well as commentary on the recent New York Times Magazine feature on Sunn and Boris. In re Wray’s article, see Mike Powell’s thoughts here and George Steele’s there first. Sunn as mystique or pastiche, charlatan or reification? Whither drone? More regular publication forthwith.…
A brief note on labor markets.
As nationalistic fervor gets whipped up in backwaters across the country, we’ve seen the return of the “jobs that Americans won’t do” trope. Not only is this patently false, as there are plenty of citizens currently working terrible, disgusting jobs everywhere, but it relies on a false sense of how labor markets are actually constructed.
Down the rabbit hole.
Apologies for the extended absence. Lately I’ve been following one of The New York Times’ several blogs, DealBook in particular. In lieu of access to Wall Street Journal, this offers up interesting tidbits pertinent to Marxist critique. Everything is money, you see, and there are no exemptions. Recent notables included an interesting look at the…