• Slow Life

    Time keeps on slippin’/into the future… Neil Young — “Com­put­er Age”

  • Just Like Suicide

    They love parades… VVV — “Black Crucifix”

  • Wilson Pickett, R.I.P.

    You bet­ter slow your Mus­tang down… Wicked Wil­son sings “Hey Jude.”

  • What C. Wright Mills Already Knew: Syriana

    Turns out, pow­er is some­thing worth dis­cussing, even if you thought Who Gov­erns? explained that trou­ble­some bogey­man away. Get out your Gram­sci, Fanon, Reuther, Niebuhr, Fou­cault, Said and Ander­son, put on a pot of cof­fee and the­o­rize Black­wa­ter, Bech­tel, Hal­libur­ton and The Car­lyle Group. As an incip­i­ent, lack­sadaisi­cal polit­i­cal sci­en­tist, I’d say the film lacked…

  • Let’s Play Get the Guests: The Incident

    Who’s Afraid of Vir­ginia Woolf? The Inci­dent unrav­els like an Albee-an night­mare, as if his stuff weren’t night­mar­ish enough. From the moment the film begins, the char­ac­ters pour­ing in to their own Man­hat­tan Trans­fer, each with a tiny nar­ra­tive of their own, we get a grandiose pris­on­er’s dilem­ma (or col­lec­tive action prob­lem) in which we…