• Yo La Tengo: Great Rock Band or Greatest Rock Band?

    Here’s some­thing I scrib­bled about @TheRealYLT back in 2007. It’s still so true. Need more proof? Fine. Check out these clips of a reunit­ed Pussy Galoredaz­zling the crowd at Maxwell’s last week. Let’s not for­get the fact that Yo La Ten­go are still play­ing their stan­dard 8 night Hanukkah run while Ira recov­ers from an undis­closed…

  • What An Amazing Christmas

    Have to say that hav­ing a two and a half year old real­ly reminds you of the true mean­ing of Christ­mas, which in my house­hold means going total­ly bonkers over all the stuff you’re so for­tu­nate to receive as gifts. Had a love­ly time with fam­i­ly: great food and drink and com­pa­ny are what make the…

  • Last Guy on Earth to Subscribe to Spotify

    This is how I used to feel about music 2.0. Now I’m more than will­ing to spend $10 a month to lis­ten to what­ev­er I like, give or take. I will say that the playlists fea­ture is pret­ty great, espe­cial­ly now that I’m not a music edi­tor who would’ve been tasked with assem­bling them. Tedious…

  • Bought the House a Gift

    Thanks to The Wire­cut­ter for this recommendation!

  • A Year Without Music

    2011 was excep­tion­al­ly qui­et for me on the musi­cal front. After keep­ing tabs loose­ly through the tail end of 2010, I left the music crit­ic rat race alto­geth­er this year, bare­ly both­er­ing to see what even my favorite crit­ics thought about music. Why? Well, it’s an ongo­ing trend that I dis­liked from the moment I…