• I Want to Run

    I want to hide, more accu­rate­ly. I’ve run just once since Char­lie start­ed sleep­ing more sound­ly, but that has to change. Not only do I need to run to blow off stress, I need to do a bet­ter job of man­ag­ing my weight. I can’t do that exclu­sive­ly through exer­cise though. Some­thing I need to…

  • Making Tech Resolutions for 2012

    Did­n’t fol­low through on any of my res­o­lu­tions last year. Those CDs? Still in box­es or in the rack that dom­i­nates a full wall in our walk-in clos­et. New goal? Get them out of the house by the end of Jan­u­ary. DVDs, too. I’m going to go wild with Hand­brake and get all the Cri­te­ri­on…

  • Taking Ripfest to the Next Level

    You know what makes this blog great? It’s always remind­ing me of my short­com­ings. No, not that I post once a month; that I post res­o­lu­tions every year and nev­er ful­fill them. This year I planned on rip­ping all my CDs to my Mac­Book. Did­n’t hap­pen. It’s tedious, there’s nev­er time, the litany of excus­es goes…

  • Things the Internet Needs: App Highlander

    Want some insight into how much I want to opti­mize my iPhone usage? I’m search­ing des­per­ate­ly for charts show­ing the work­flow dif­fer­ences between Instapa­per and Safari Read­ing List. But it’s not lim­it­ed to that! I strug­gle with all man­ner apps. It does­n’t mat­ter if it’s food-relat­ed or maps or GTD apps; I need some­one who can…

  • How I Fell in Love with the iPad

    I know I’m the last per­son on Earth to admit this, but I’m in love with the iPad. Strike that: I’m in love with my wife’s iPad, which I gift­ed her two years ago. At first i thought my iPhone was all I need­ed. I start­ed play­ing with it Thurs­day night and now it’s on…