• My Evolving Blogging Identity Crisis

    Here we go again. No soon­er do I announce Amor­tiz­ing Ryan Howard then I change the name (and buy the URL) for High Lever­age Inning. (Hey, it’s live!) This isn’t the first time this has hap­pened and it prob­a­bly won’t be the last. Through­out my blog­gy tenure I’ve strug­gled with titles and plat­forms and chan­nels…

  • Introducing Amortizing Ryan Howard

    Because the world need­ed anoth­er base­ball blog. You can find it here, where I will be Tum­bling about all man­ner base­ball stuff, whether it’s Phillies or not. (And, yes, this is my umpteenth stab at Tum­blr. This could stick only because I real­ly like read­ing and writ­ing and think­ing about base­ball.) If you can rec­om­mend…

  • 2011 NLDS Phillies vs Cardinals

    Did­n’t start or end pret­ty, but I can hon­est­ly say that what hap­pened in between the first and ninth innings were tru­ly inspired base­ball. Hal­la­day dom­i­nat­ed, the offense erupt­ed and Char­lie went wild with the ral­ly towel. It was an absurd­ly fun night at the ball­park, punc­tu­at­ed by the lone Cards fan in our row leav­ing…

  • In Praise of the 2011 Philadelphia Phillies

    Nev­er in my life did I believe that the Phillies would be the sort of dom­i­nant team fans link to the Yan­kees and Red Sox. The sort of team that “buys” cham­pi­onships. The sort of team that play­ers want to join, even if it means tak­ing a pay cut to do it. The kind of…

  • In Praise of Local Coffee

    What’s your favorite local­ly-roast­ed bean? I’ve tried three recent­ly myself: old favorite La Colombe as well as new jacks Green Street and ReAn­i­ma­tor. Is it blas­phe­my to say I pre­fer La Colombe? It may be my per­son­al pref­er­ence, but no mat­ter how much cof­fee I brew, I just find that La Colombe has a bet­ter,…