• Visiting Engine 29

    Yes­ter­day’s vis­it to the fire­house at 4th and Girard rekin­dled Char­lie’s love of fire­fight­ing. He climbed on all the trucks, played with every­thing he was allowed to touch and he even sprayed me with a firehose.  Don’t believe it? Here’s proof: Spe­cial thanks to Hip­ster Hen­ry for orga­niz­ing the out­ing. Was a great way for…

  • Time to Start Running Again

    Broke this bad boy out. Now that Char­lie’s sleep­ing past 6 am, I owe it to myself to start run­ning again. I hope to vol­un­teer with Stu­dents Run Philly Style start­ing in January. Keep your fin­gers crossed for a mild win­ter, okay?

  • Remember Moblogging?

    Lat­est Word­Press for iOS update remind­ed me that moblog­ging was once a Thing. I’m draft­ing this on my phone from my couch, feel­ing nostalgic. I guess folks do this more now on plat­forms like Twit­ter, Tum­blr and any pho­to app under the sun. Still nice to actu­al­ly write something.

  • Goodbye, R.E.M.

    Like many guys my age, R.E.M. was the band that helped me through that awk­ward phase, i.e. my entire life in every aspect from the time I was 11 until my mid-twen­ties. Their lyrics described almost every feel­ing I could feel; that ambi­gu­i­ty, that dis­com­fort, that uncer­tain­ty of being myself.  It all began when my…

  • Another Weird Week in Corolla, NC

    You know how I tried laugh­ing off the short­com­ings of the Out­er Banks ear­li­er this month? That’s a hoot! Let’s just chalk that up to post-trau­mat­ic stress in the after­math of Irene, ok? I mean, who wants to see their vaca­tion des­ti­na­tion wiped off the map just as it’s time to kick back and relax? Let’s…