• Spring Cleaning in Full Bloom

    Need to post pics, but, wow, did we ever over­haul our down­stairs this week­end. New kitchen you knew about, but new din­ing room table, new side table/shelf and new sofa cov­er makes the place feel like we just moved in. A few more projects in the off­ing will real­ly trans­form the way we live in…

  • The Ongoing Saga of My Stereo

    It was just over two years ago that I unearthed my turntable from stor­age and restored it to its right­ful place in the liv­ing room. That streak end­ed yes­ter­day as it went back into the base­ment after recon­sid­er­ing some fur­ni­ture. Fret not, it’ll be back, but in this incar­na­tion I’ll final­ly break down and incor­po­rate…

  • The New Desert Island Disc Dilemma

    I’ve been par­ing down my CD col­lec­tion in recent weeks and it’s giv­en me occa­sion to reflect on my behav­ior in rough­ly a decade or so of heavy music consumption. What have I learned? Who was that guy? I remem­ber spend­ing many a night at Mon­do Kim’s or AKA or pret­ty much any record store,…

  • The Fifth Starter

    He throws a dev­as­tat­ing curve­ball, too.

  • Port St. Willow at Miner St. Studio

    Spe­cial thanks to Bri­an McTear and Weath­er­vane Music for a love­ly evening of great music, food and friends at Min­er St. Stu­dios, right around the cor­ner in Fish­town. Port St. Wil­low’s music was per­fect in that inti­mate set­ting. What a great way to start the Pri­vate Con­cert Series! This is an amaz­ing project that deserves…