Another Year Trapped in Amber
I was trying to find the right way to describe how 2021 felt and then I read this: For Nikolas Tsamoutalidis, an assistant principal, the most vivid image of the post-pandemic student body was at lunch this year, when he saw ninth graders — whose last full year in school was seventh grade — preparing to…
The Endless Fight Against the Infinite Scroll
I first wrote about how to combat the infinite scroll — since dubbed doomscrolling — back in 2018, borrowing from the updates Jason Kottke makes about his media diet. It’s still all about intentionality, right? It still is and I try not to stare at the screen in search of something that never materializes, but…
My Year in Music
It’s December 30th, I’ve submitted my formal fake P&J ballot and I’m listening to the new Emma Swift album and having regrets. A music critic’s work is never done! It’s been a hard year but I was personally soothed by all the great music that came out this year. For the first time in my experience…
2020: An Update
Ok, so like usual I promised to write more and haven’t. Like everyone, 2020 has been a year. So, with that in mind, I wanted to drop in for a quick update before I lost track of time yet again. Let’s revisit the Before Times briefly.: I started a new job in March! Yes, after being…
We Don’t Deserve The New Pornographers
I wrote this about the New Pornographers in 2017. It still holds up. Their new record is fabulous. You should listen to it if you haven’t already! I’m still wrestling with why I ever took a break from them in the first place. A big part of why I tuned out on the New Pornographers was…