• Help Japan

    I know some folks think that buy­ing stuff like this sim­ply com­mod­i­fies your con­cern for griev­ous events like the earth­quake and tsuna­mi that recent­ly struck Japan, but I was so moved by it that I need­ed to pitch in. Con­sid­er buy­ing one your­self. Pro­ceeds go to the Cana­di­an Red Cross.

  • Sad Social Media Commentary on the Fishtown Library

    I par­tic­i­pat­ed in the Save the Library protest back in Novem­ber 2008. When I recent­ly vis­it­ed, I checked into Foursquare. If I check in again, I’ll be may­or of the joint. At a time when peo­ple are check­ing into Wawa, you’d think at least a hand­ful of folks would still be will­ing to pop in…

  • Totally in the Tank for Casual Victim Pile Vols. 1 & 2

    Not only was V/A — Casu­al Vic­tim Pile Vol 1 one of my favorite records last year, I just ponied up and bought Vol. 2! You can snag copies of both LPs for just $20. Val­ue, people! (Con­fi­den­tial to Mr. Cosloy: please don’t let this series die. I will be so sad.)

  • I Need a New Zoo With Roy Sweatshirt, Right?

    I keep appear­ing on his bolg in my So No hood­ie. I think it also sad­dens the pen­guin to think about how bad­ly he was MLBPA’d.

  • Kitchen Coming Together