• Buying Our Dream Range

    The plan called for an Ikea Framtid range, but this beau­ty was on clear­ance for the same price! Had to pull the trig­ger on this baby. Look at that glo­ri­ous cook­top! Did I men­tion that it’s a con­vec­tion oven? Can’t believe I’m swoon­ing for a stove. I said to Helen last night that the way things…

  • Kitchen Under Construction

    See that top row of cab­i­nets? That sof­fit? They’re goners, folks. The 1two5 crew comes through today to begin phase two of our kitchen remod­el, which involves tak­ing out those cab­i­nets and mak­ing some archi­tec­tur­al changes, too. Can’t believe what a dif­fer­ence our new pantry already makes on the oppo­site wall! Our kitchen will be…

  • Whither Original Geek Jobs?

    When I was grow­ing up, I always dreamt of work­ing at a record store. Whether I was in Kutz­town, NYC or Philly, I’d always drop off an appli­ca­tion and say a prayer for a few hours a week at a cool shop, most­ly to sub­si­dize my record habit. Now those gigs, along with sim­i­lar ones…

  • Our First Weekend Getaway

    Can­not thank my in-laws enough for giv­ing Helen and I a nice week­end alone at a love­ly B&B for Valen­tine’s Day. We stayed in the car­riage house (pic­tured) at Antrim 1844 in Taney­town, MD. It’s the per­fect spot for any­one who’s had a bad expe­ri­ence at a B&B. Plen­ty of pri­va­cy and no forced social­iz­ing!…

  • We’re Updating Our Kitchen

    If you’re a home­own­er, then you know how hard it can be to work on the projects you want to ver­sus those you have to. We’ve been talk­ing about mak­ing changes in our kitchen since before Char­lie arrived. Now the time has come! It’s hard to tell in this pic­ture, but it’s some­thing of a big,…