• In Praise of December

    It’s cliche, but hav­ing a baby real­ly changes every­thing. I’ve been see­ing our hol­i­day prepa­ra­tions through Char­lie’s gleam­ing eyes and it just fills me with joy. Hear­ing him say “Han­ta” or “ho ho ho” puts a smile on my face. Can­not wait to see his reac­tion to the tree once it’s com­plete­ly decorated. Thing I…

  • What Cliff Lee Means to Me

    I ran a quick search of the archives here at Ram­say­ings before I start­ed writ­ing this post. Felt sure I’d writ­ten about Cliff Lee before, because, real­ly, how has any­one with an inter­est in the Phillies not writ­ten about him? Whether it was his acqui­si­tion at the dead­line in ’09 or his inex­plic­a­ble trade before…

  • Party Photographers, Slutever at Younglove’s

    Caught some amaz­ing local bands at Youn­glove’s last night. Final­ly saw the Par­ty Pho­tog­ra­phers, who total­ly lived up to the hype. Real­ly fun band. Friend­ly peo­ple, too. Check them out over on their Band­camp page. Watch them play Fleet­wood Mac’s “Rhi­an­non” in the video above. Sur­prise of the night was Slutev­er, who filled in for a…

  • Let’s Talk About MLB Winter Meetings, Okay?

    Noth­ing quite as excru­ci­at­ing as watch­ing your team lose a star out­field­er to a sor­ry team with­in the divi­sion — for unrea­son­ably big bucks, mind — while watch­ing them hap­less­ly pur­sue bar­gain bin replace­ments like Jeff Fran­coeur, Matt Diaz, George Sher­rill and Den­nys Reyes. Would’ve been adding insult to injury if we tried to add…

  • Check Out Nightlands New Video

    My friend Mark made it. It’s pret­ty cool, so I’m shar­ing it, but chances are you saw it on Pitch­fork or pret­ty much every blog in the known uni­verse. It’s that good! So are Night­lands. Can’t wait to see them play the Ox in late Jan­u­ary. It’s gonna be down­right cozy in that icebox!