• In Praise of Local Music

    Know what’s been on my mind late­ly? Local music! Lots of it. I just caught the Purl­ing Hiss bug last week . Just got hand­ed the new Prowler CD by my favorite bar­tender at Mem­phis Tap­room, Kei­th. Ran into Ports of Call there, too. Snagged the new Woe disc. Watch­ing Shak­ing Through videos with Par­ty…

  • In Praise of Iron Hill Brewery

    Going to a great brew­ery and restau­rant is bet­ter when your baby isn’t pee­ing through his dia­pers. What a dif­fer­ence a year makes, right? Picked up a growler of Iron Hill’s Biere Noir out in West Chester yes­ter­day. Had a few glass­es last night. Deli­cious! Can’t wait to get back for a refill.

  • Constant Hitmaker Kurt Vile

    Not sure how I feel about Kurt Vile’s sound, but one thing’s clear: the dude is a born enter­tain­er. Had a fun time watch­ing him play with his band the Vio­la­tors last night.  First time I met Kurt was at the first Beach House gig at John­ny Bren­da’s. He was sit­ting next to me at the…

  • All Hail Purling Hiss

    Read about them a few weeks ago. Lis­tened to some tracks on their MySpace and fell in love. Hard to believe, but they’re even bet­ter live. How to describe their sound? Does a south­ern rock-tinged Jay Reatard make sense? Skynyrd meets the Ramones? Bought two albums and intro­duced myself to Mike, the lead singer and gui­tarist,…

  • Charlie and Grace

    Just hang­ing out in the park on a beau­ti­ful fall morning.