Married Dudes Drink Four Loko, Live to Tell Tale
Wasn’t the greatest idea we’ve ever had, but we made the best of it. Feel like I finally recovered from Saturday night. It was the last bachelor party of our clan, so it seemed worth it at the time. Not so sure that we would’ve jumped out of the 2nd floor balcony onto a pile…
My Black Cab Session
Chatted with the sweet crew from Black Cab Sessions tonight after work outside First Unitarian Church. Not sure I was really able to articulate Philadelphia’s music scene, but I gave it a shot. Can’t wait to see how it turns out.
A View of Schuylkill River
How Much Can You French Press?
French press coffee is as much a part of my morning ritual as “Thomas the Tank Engine.” I’ve watched several videos to help me hone my skills and Jasper here has really done the trick, especially with the temperature of the water and the timing. I feel pretty confident about my coffee to water ratio…