• Married Dudes Drink Four Loko, Live to Tell Tale

    Was­n’t the great­est idea we’ve ever had, but we made the best of it. Feel like I final­ly recov­ered from Sat­ur­day night. It was the last bach­e­lor par­ty of our clan, so it seemed worth it at the time. Not so sure that we would’ve jumped out of the 2nd floor bal­cony onto a pile…

  • What Games Should I Buy?

    I think I’m on record as some­one who has fin­ished just two games in his life — Crack­down and Bat­man: Arkham Asy­lum — but which games should I buy and leave unfin­ished this year? Here are three I have my eye on. I might buy two. Red Dead Redemption Call of Duty: Black Ops Fall­out: New Vegas CoD is…

  • My Black Cab Session

    Chat­ted with the sweet crew from Black Cab Ses­sions tonight after work out­side First Uni­tar­i­an Church. Not sure I was real­ly able to artic­u­late Philadel­phi­a’s music scene, but I gave it a shot. Can’t wait to see how it turns out.

  • A View of Schuylkill River

  • How Much Can You French Press?

    French press cof­fee is as much a part of my morn­ing rit­u­al as “Thomas the Tank Engine.” I’ve watched sev­er­al videos to help me hone my skills and Jasper here has real­ly done the trick, espe­cial­ly with the tem­per­a­ture of the water and the tim­ing. I feel pret­ty con­fi­dent about my cof­fee to water ratio…