• Welcome Back, Conan

    I’ve nev­er watched much late night tv. Remem­ber see­ing Conan’s very first show…and then nev­er tun­ing in again. Then I caught the late night bug with Jon Stew­art and Steven Col­bert on Com­e­dy Cen­tral, but even that waned. But after the ker­fuf­fle between he and Leno, I became a fan. One small prob­lem: I almost nev­er…

  • Bill Wyman on the Keith Richards Myth

    If you’re like me, you can’t wait to read Kei­th Richards’ mem­oir, Life. But before you do, be sure to read Bill Wyman’s fas­ci­nat­ing “Please Allow Me to Cor­rect a Few Things” at Slate first. Stop in at his blog, Hitsville, too.

  • The Most Anticipated Album of 2010

    Can’t tell you how excit­ed I am to hear Kanye’s new album. “Run­away” just blows me away. I’ve loved every­thing he’s done so far, so why should My Beau­ti­ful Dark Twist­ed Fan­ta­sy be any different? Feel like he real­ly turned a cor­ner with 808s & Heart­break, which I felt was unfair­ly maligned in some cir­cles…

  • My View at Sunset

    Not half bad, huh? If I’m going to be at work after dark, I can at least enjoy love­ly sun­sets like this one.

  • America Lost and Found: The BBS Story

    If A Decade Under the Influ­ence turned you on to Amer­i­can film in the ’70s, then this col­lec­tion is for you. It’s also a great way to see Jack Nichol­son before he entered the realm of self-par­o­dy. Also, Hen­ry Jaglom!