Welcome Back, Conan
I’ve never watched much late night tv. Remember seeing Conan’s very first show…and then never tuning in again. Then I caught the late night bug with Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert on Comedy Central, but even that waned. But after the kerfuffle between he and Leno, I became a fan. One small problem: I almost never…
Bill Wyman on the Keith Richards Myth
If you’re like me, you can’t wait to read Keith Richards’ memoir, Life. But before you do, be sure to read Bill Wyman’s fascinating “Please Allow Me to Correct a Few Things” at Slate first. Stop in at his blog, Hitsville, too.
The Most Anticipated Album of 2010
Can’t tell you how excited I am to hear Kanye’s new album. “Runaway” just blows me away. I’ve loved everything he’s done so far, so why should My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy be any different? Feel like he really turned a corner with 808s & Heartbreak, which I felt was unfairly maligned in some circles…
My View at Sunset
Not half bad, huh? If I’m going to be at work after dark, I can at least enjoy lovely sunsets like this one.
America Lost and Found: The BBS Story
If A Decade Under the Influence turned you on to American film in the ’70s, then this collection is for you. It’s also a great way to see Jack Nicholson before he entered the realm of self-parody. Also, Henry Jaglom!