• Rick Nichols Talks SugarHouse Dining

    Before Sug­ar­House Casi­no opened on the Delaware Riv­er water­front, I thought that we’d at least get a fan­cy restau­rant or two in the bar­gain. Rick Nichols dis­abus­es us of that fan­ta­sy.

  • In Praise of Titus Andronicus

    I’ve lis­tened to this about 1,000 times. Don’t know if it’s the go-for-the-throat vocals, the clever Spring­steen ref, or the Dinosaur Jr. gui­tars, but I’ve been com­plete­ly cap­ti­vat­ed by a band I wrote off after their debut. ‘The Mon­i­tor’ blows away any­thing I remem­ber from ‘The Air­ing of Griev­ances,’ which isn’t say­ing much, since I…

  • A Word on Music Discovery

    I don’t know how many YEARS it took me to final­ly real­ize Ein­sturzende Neubaut­en were cool, but it took an awful­ly long time. And they were favor­ably com­pared to bands I liked all the while. So while it’s cheap­er to down­load some­thing today, it does­n’t mean peo­ple will instan­ta­neous­ly hit that tip­ping point, even if…

  • The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

    It’s that time of year, peo­ple! Troegs Mad Elf has arrived! Pret­ty sure win­ter sea­son­als are my favorite, but there’s a spe­cial place in my heart for Christ­mas brews. Goes back to my time in Den­mark, where jule­bryg is a spe­cial event each year. They’re real­ly some­thing to look for­ward to. This year I’m going the…

  • What Happened to Super Furry Animals?

    I tuned out after Phan­tom Pow­er. I know peo­ple loved “Inau­gur­al Trams,” but I could­n’t get on board. (See what I did there?) I lis­tened to their albums so much and SO LOUDLY dur­ing grad school that I’d thought I’d go deaf try­ing to fig­ure out what was hap­pen­ing in the back­ground on “Rings Around the…