• It Was a Great Ride, Phillies

    When my friend Mark called and asked me if I was inter­est­ed in attend­ing Game 6 last night, I could­n’t say no. I’d nev­er attend­ed a game in which the Phillies could be elim­i­nat­ed and it seemed like the most excit­ing expe­ri­ence I could ever has as a base­ball fan, short of Game 7 of the…

  • A Benediction for Music Criticism

    Today’s my last day as music edi­tor at comcast.net. It’s a weird feel­ing to be wrap­ping up what has been a pret­ty amaz­ing 10-year jour­ney at the periph­ery of the music industry. I’ll be the first to admit that I was nev­er a great music critic.When I first start­ed scrib­bling about songs back in ’99,…

  • In Praise of Marble Sheep

    Just two days left as the music edi­tor at comcast.net. I feel like I’m redis­cov­er­ing some old favorites that have been gath­er­ing dust on my CD shelf. (Yes, I still have one. Saw too many peo­ple mourn the loss of all of their music when dur­ing the great exter­nal dri­ve crash of ’03-’05.) Mar­ble Sheep…

  • A Word on the Name Change

    Ram­say­ings. Corny, right? I’ll admit that it does­n’t roll as trip­ping­ly off the tongue as I might like it to, but I think it makes more sense as I move away from music crit­i­cism and more into being a gen­er­al inter­est blog­ger. I just like incor­po­rat­ing my name into the stuff I’m inter­est­ed in or…

  • A Quick Word About My New Job

    I’m very pleased to announce that I have accept­ed a role as Com­cast’s chief blog­ger. I start lat­er this month. Can’t wait to get start­ed. You can read the blog here at Com­cast Voic­es.