• Memphis Taproom Thirstoberfest!

    It was amaz­ing! Beau­ti­ful weath­er goes per­fect­ly with great beer and peo­ple. Had a lot of fun. What did I drink? (Looks at list.) Keep in mind they were 6 oz. cups. Oth­er­wise I’d prob­a­bly still be lay­ing in the biergarten. List­ed in no par­tic­u­lar order: Alla­gash Confluence Cig­ar City Maduro Brown Ale Dog­fish Head Bitch­es Brew Dog­fish Head…

  • The Social Network

    The moral of the sto­ry is that the IT guy isn’t prop­er­ly social­ized? Shocking!

  • My Introduction to Vic Chesnutt

    First heard Vic Ches­nut­t’s “Pan­ic Pure” on the b‑side of R.E.M.‘s mediocre ver­sion of “Sponge,” which sounds indis­tin­guish­able from any of the hard rock­ers on New Adven­tures in Hi-Fi. Her­sh’s ver­sion of “Pan­ic Pure” absolute­ly bewitched me. Here Hersh sings with Vic Chesnutt. Been think­ing about Ches­nutt quite a bit late­ly. Part of it is…

  • Phillies Win NLDS Game 2

    I’ve reached a new zen state when it comes to Phillies games, even play­off ones, it seems. Once upon a time last night’s game would’ve been a fright­ful affair, the enjoy­ment sucked out by the anx­i­ety of anoth­er poten­tial Game 2 loss. My fam­i­ly has attend­ed a bunch of Games 2, so we know the…

  • Tipping My Hat to Zoo With Roy

    This may be the most elo­quent, poignant piece I’ve read about Roy Hal­la­day’s no hit­ter any­where. You’re a class act, ZWR,you mag­nif­i­cent donkey. My take? What’s left to be said? He was exact­ly who we expect­ed him to be all sea­son long. He put the team on his back dur­ing the reg­u­lar sea­son and he…