• I Want to Like Kenny Powers

    But I can’t help but feel like it’s a base­ball-cen­tric Entourage, with John­ny Dra­ma in the lead role. Hav­ing said that, I enjoyed East­bound and Down this morn­ing. Stayed up way too late watch­ing TV last night. Mad Men, Board­walk Empire and East­bound and Down in one night? How am I sup­posed to catch up on…

  • In Praise of Boardwalk Empire

    If this show is the clos­est we ever get to an actu­al con­clu­sion to Dead­wood, I’ll take it. I’ve watched the pilot episode three times! One knock: could they at least pre­tend to know how a Philadel­phi­an talks? Busce­mi will do Busce­mi, but no one in the cast sounds like they’re from Philly at all. Did­n’t…

  • Where Did the Summer Go?

    Can’t believe I’ll be going to my final reg­u­lar sea­son game at the ball­park Fri­day night. Feels like it was­n’t that long ago that I was sit­ting with my fam­i­ly in Nation­als Park, watch­ing Roy Hal­la­day make his Phillies’ debut. I love the MLB post­sea­son, but it’s come to mean an end to so many…

  • Bring Your A’s Game Blog

    Ver­sion 1.0 has launched! Thanks to my man Tim Quiri­no for help­ing get it off the ground. He’s going to be work­ing with me on it as we flesh it out into a Face­book-enabled beast of a blog. The real ques­tion: What sort of stuff should I put on there? I post­ed about our first event,…

  • How About Them Phillies?

    Remem­ber when I wrote this and won­dered whether or not the Phillies would make the post­sea­son? Yeah, seems pret­ty sil­ly now. I’m head­ed to see the Phillies again tonight as they attempt to sweep the Braves, who once led the divi­sion by a healthy sev­en games. The Phillies have gone on a 12 game swing…