• Pitchfork Missed Another ’90s Gem

    Not real­ly, but Geg­gy Tah popped into my head while I was on vaca­tion and I had to ask myself if it was real. Post-grunge was­n’t all Nick­el­back and Creed! There was tons of stuff like this. It was­n’t all gold. I mean, there was this, too. Yeah, I can remem­ber bit­ing my tongue quite often dur­ing…

  • The Fishtown Coffee Problem

    When Helen and I moved to Port Fish­ing­ton, or Flat Iron as it’s prop­er­ly known, from the hus­tle and bus­tle of Two Street, we were in for a rude awak­en­ing. There was prac­ti­cal­ly noth­ing here! Want a bite to eat? Our neigh­bors rec­om­mend­ed Apple­bees! Good piz­za? Key Foods! Yuck. Stranger, there was just one cof­fee option…

  • How to Improve OBX

    We just got back from a love­ly week in the Out­er Banks. It was our fourth week-long stay. It’s like heav­en on Earth. Mostly. I’ll offer three quick ways to improve the experience: Cable TV. I don’t know what it is, but every­one seems to skimp on their cable pack­age. I know it’s pricey, but…

  • In Praise of September Baseball

    I know many of you enjoy the start of foot­ball sea­son. It con­jures thoughts of fall: crisp air, sweaters, chili and Sun­days with friends, hud­dled around the TV. I love those things, too, but I feel like Sep­tem­ber base­ball gets lost in the fray. It’s the per­fect time of year for casu­al fans to get excit­ed.…

  • A Further Word on Vacation

    Any­one who has issues with pay­ing tax­es to sup­port a gen­er­ous wel­fare state clear­ly does­n’t under­stand the val­ue of vacation. The rest of the indus­tri­al­ized world laughs at our pal­try week at the beach.