• In Case You Forgot How Bad the ’90s Were

    Antho­ny Mic­cio and I have rhap­sodized this song at great length. Heck, I even wrote about Secret Samad­hi once for Sty­lus. If you grew up any­where in Penn­syl­va­nia in the ’90s, Live were inescapable. Think of it as a post-grunge Dave Matthews Band. You know, the sort of band that believes they are sav­ing the…

  • Pitchfork’s Top 200 Tracks of the 1990s

    I’d been wait­ing to write how awestruck I’ve been by this, but I can’t con­tain myself any longer. This list has been facemelt­ing­ly per­fect, at least from the per­spec­tive of any­one who’s been read­ing Pitch­fork since the days of dial-up. I can hard­ly be both­ered with the snooty crit­ic’s picks, but what fas­ci­nates me are…

  • My Top 20 Embarrassing ’90s Videos

    Man, were the ’90s real­ly 20 years ago already? Yup, they sure were! Now, I’ve been pay­ing spe­cial atten­tion to Pitch­fork’s nos­tal­gia trip, but I get the keen sense that they’ve oblit­er­at­ed the true gems from this list. What do I mean? I’m talk­ing about the sap­py non­sense that all chil­dren of the ’90s got…

  • An Open Letter to Mayor Michael Nutter

    Dear May­or Nutter, I vot­ed for you because I thought you best rep­re­sent­ed what the City need­ed. I had my doubts, but thought that you’d be the best man for the job. I felt sure of it when I shook your hand after your vic­to­ry at City Hall sta­tion on my way to work. A year…

  • The Matter of David Grasso’s New Club

    Two local blogs I fol­low dogged­ly now are Plan Philly and Brown­ston­er’s Philly branch. I real­ly got into the for­mer when I start­ed notic­ing bylines from my online bud­dy Bri­an James Kirk. I noticed that the site real­ly picked up steam and was on top of all the cool devel­op­ment issues and the not-so-cool ones,…