• Some Musical Notes

    Sim­ply amaz­ing. Still in heavy rotation.  I’ve become the sort of crit­ic who likes spring releas­es. Give them time to mar­i­nate, I say. That new Liars album is still reveal­ing new things to me. Ready for a stun­ning admis­sion? I still haven’t heard the new Arcade Fire album! I’m still aghast that Spoon opened for them. What’s…

  • A Thank You to Readers

    I’ve been butcher­ing this blog in one form or anoth­er since about 2003. My pas­sion for it has fluc­tu­at­ed over time, rang­ing from those heady days when I’d try my best to write about pol­i­tics, or when I ditched that and wrote about movies for a time, or when I just got caught up in…

  • We Ate at Zahav

    I promised Helen at least 12 date nights last Christ­mas and I’ve been doing my best to keep up my end of the bar­gain with the help of friends and fam­i­ly. We final­ly got around to Zahav last Fri­day. (Fair warn­ing: their web­site enables sound. It’s loud.) We got the three course tast­ing menu, along with…

  • It’s Time for a Sixers Blog

    I’ve been telling peo­ple for a while that it’s time for Philly bas­ket­ball fans to start blog­ging the Six­ers. I know it sounds like the most excru­ci­at­ing pun­ish­ment short of hav­ing to actu­al­ly play for the team, but that’s how you make this work. See, it’s like this: the team can’t plum­met much fur­ther and…

  • A Quick Housekeeping Note

    Tell me what you think about that fol­low suite my good friend Roz helped me snag from Eric’s blog! I did some addi­tion­al tweak­ing and feel good about how it turned out. An aside: remem­ber when it seemed sen­si­ble to lifestream stuff, flood­ing the blog with con­tent from every chan­nel imag­in­able? Glad that’s passed.