Some Musical Notes
Simply amazing. Still in heavy rotation. I’ve become the sort of critic who likes spring releases. Give them time to marinate, I say. That new Liars album is still revealing new things to me. Ready for a stunning admission? I still haven’t heard the new Arcade Fire album! I’m still aghast that Spoon opened for them. What’s…
A Thank You to Readers
I’ve been butchering this blog in one form or another since about 2003. My passion for it has fluctuated over time, ranging from those heady days when I’d try my best to write about politics, or when I ditched that and wrote about movies for a time, or when I just got caught up in…
We Ate at Zahav
I promised Helen at least 12 date nights last Christmas and I’ve been doing my best to keep up my end of the bargain with the help of friends and family. We finally got around to Zahav last Friday. (Fair warning: their website enables sound. It’s loud.) We got the three course tasting menu, along with…
It’s Time for a Sixers Blog
I’ve been telling people for a while that it’s time for Philly basketball fans to start blogging the Sixers. I know it sounds like the most excruciating punishment short of having to actually play for the team, but that’s how you make this work. See, it’s like this: the team can’t plummet much further and…
A Quick Housekeeping Note
Tell me what you think about that follow suite my good friend Roz helped me snag from Eric’s blog! I did some additional tweaking and feel good about how it turned out. An aside: remember when it seemed sensible to lifestream stuff, flooding the blog with content from every channel imaginable? Glad that’s passed.