• In Praise of Two Guys on Beer

    There’s some­thing amiss in the Philly beer blo­gos­phere, if you ask me. Lew’s been crazy busy with more impor­tant things, like send­ing his son to col­lege, not to men­tion fin­ish­ing up that book. (Con­grats on both, Dad!) Ram­blin’ Jack has been a lit­tle heavy on the press releas­es late­ly in anci­ti­pa­tion of launch­ing a new…

  • The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite

    Had this song stuck in my head on Tues­day morn­ing. Odd, because I learned that the man respon­si­ble for writ­ing “The Lion Sleeps Tonight,” George David Weiss, had died the night before. As I thought about it, I looked up Matt Per­pet­u­a’s exhaus­tive Pop Songs ’07-’08 and found this entry for the song. So maybe…

  • Facebook Places or Foursquare?

    Face­book Places. Game, set, match. Why? Because even though every last des­ti­na­tion I vis­it has­n’t been loaded into Face­book, it means acti­vat­ing one less wonky app that crash­es unex­pect­ed­ly and then scolds me if I try check­ing in again. Anoth­er plus? Peo­ple I know actu­al­ly use Face­book. Foursquare? Not so much. Face­book Places does to Foursquare…

  • I Threw a Home Run Ball Back

    I arrived a bit late to last night’s game, miss­ing the first inning, but I was there for the fol­low­ing 15. What hap­pened in the top of the 4th is some­thing I’ll prob­a­bly remem­ber — and maybe regret — for the rest of my life. I talked to Enri­co over at The 700 Lev­el about…

  • What Philly’s Blogger Tax Really Says About Bloggers

    I was one of the first peo­ple to write about this —  you can read my rather impolitic tweet here — and I hope I’m one of the last. I like what Tom had to say today over at P’unk Ave’s blog, but I’d like to take this a step fur­ther and talk for just…