• How to Improve Netflix

    Yes­ter­day I down­grad­ed our Net­flix account from three DVDs at a time to two. Have I got­ten so much as an email ask­ing me why? Nope! Net­flix may be the most suc­cess­ful com­pa­ny I use that does­n’t seem to care about cater­ing to their sub­scriber base. What makes me say that? Since I signed up,…

  • Muppet Movie Screen Tests

    Saw these a while back, thanks to a heads up from H20. Shared them with friends yes­ter­day. They destroyed. Makes me wish the Mup­pet Show would’ve last at least as long as the damn Simpsons. Watch anoth­er great clip with Ker­mit and Miss Pig­gy below.

  • Refused Make Decibel’s Hall of Fame

    Can’t tell you how thrilled I was to see the new issue of Deci­bel. This piece by Nick Green is a must-read, and I’m hon­est­ly sur­prised I haven’t seen more love for it online. Maybe I’m just not read­ing the right things, or maybe the Deci­bel mas­sive isn’t all that into Refused, but I was…

  • Gil Scott-Heron in the New Yorker

    Recent­ly read Gil Scott-Heron’s pro­file in the New York­er and was absolute­ly gut­ted. I’m among the few crit­ics who did­n’t imme­di­ate­ly fall in love with his new album on Mata­dor, and the arti­cle did lit­tle to con­vince me that it’s not the most exploita­tive release of 2010. Can’t help but feel awful for a guy…

  • Rihanna at the Borgata

    You know that scene in The Body­guard? It was like that the whole time. I’ve been all about R&B this year. Don’t know why it took so long. I guess it was eas­i­er to com­plain about all the things that were wrong with indie rock. Now when I look back, I feel like I real­ly did­n’t…