• Have You Been to Kraftwork?

    I’ve been to Kraft­work a num­ber of times now and I think I like it. I mean, it’s okay. There’s that one sand­wich that’s real­ly deli­cious, but not much else that real­ly stands out on the (recent­ly recon­sid­ered) menu. The draught list is amaz­ing, although it’s like doing surgery with a shot­gun; put enough beers…

  • Who Do You Follow?

    Tell me who you fol­low! I feel pret­ty com­fort­able with Google Read­er and Twit­ter; I’ve amassed quite a col­lec­tion of per­son­al­i­ties there and enjoy them immense­ly. But I find myself awash in end­less reblogs on Tum­blr and I would­n’t know the first thing about who’s worth watch­ing on YouTube. Do peo­ple still get into pod­casts?…

  • The Rolling Stones’ Exile on Main Street

    I’ve been read­ing about this set all over the web, most recent­ly at An Aquar­i­um Drunk­ard. Unsur­pris­ing­ly, under­stand­ably, every­one’s fall­en in love with one of the great­est albums ever all over again. I got the deluxe remas­tered edi­tion for Father’s Day and I’m still work­ing my way through it, but some­thing real­ly struck me as I…

  • Will the Real Phillies Please Stand Up?

    I spent a love­ly day with fam­i­ly in the Penn­syl­va­nia hin­ter­lands, which means I’m read­ing Beer­lea­guer com­ments to get a feel for today’s unlike­ly win over Ubal­do Jimenez and the Rock­ies. One read­er shared this gem from today’s Philly Inquirer: Putting a nice lit­tle bow on the pro­ces­sion of no-com­ments, Phillies gen­er­al man­ag­er Ruben Amaro…

  • What Are Your Favorite iPhone Games?

    Man, I loved me some Com­modore 64 as a kid. Hell, we had a Vic 20 before that, but the games were prim­i­tive! To be entire­ly hon­est, I was pret­ty much only play­ing edu­ca­tion­al games when we had that, so maybe I’d have fonder mem­o­ries if I was­n’t play­ing word games on it. I remem­ber ask­ing…