• Awesomest Township Ever?

    Don’t even try dri­ving 55. Great trip to Fort Loudon, PA today to vis­it with the Van Der Grin­tens and fam­i­ly. If you get a chance to go to Cow­an’s Gap, def­i­nite­ly do it. The trail around the lake was love­ly even on a swel­ter­ing day like today.

  • So Long, Jamie

    Sad to see Jamie Moy­er suf­fer a pos­si­ble career-end­ing injury at the ten­der age of 47. In all seri­ous­ness, Gramps will be missed. I was at his his­toric com­plete game shutout win over the Braves this year. That’s a pic­ture I took of the score­board from our seats in Sec­tion 143. It was elec­tri­fy­ing. Felt like…

  • Welcome Back, Cole

    Are you glad we did­n’t ditch Cole to keep Cliff now? His one-hit out­ing under the hot Saint Louis sun was noth­ing short of sen­sa­tion­al. Yet Amaro thinks we need pitching! I’m thrilled to see Cole bounce back from a lack­lus­ter 2009 cam­paign. He’s becom­ing the ace every­one knew he’d be. Makes me very opti­mistic…

  • In Praise of Trophy Bike Garage

    Want to give spe­cial thanks to my friend Lois and the rest of the crew at Tro­phy Bike Garage for fix­ing up my bike. It’s back to rid­ing like an absolute dream after giv­ing me a good scare on 17th street. Now I’m back to com­mut­ing to and from work safe­ly, which my fam­i­ly cer­tain­ly…

  • Drew Lazor on Philly Pizza

    I’ve doc­u­ment­ed my strug­gles with piz­za here in the City of Broth­er­ly love. It ain’t easy to find a good pie in town. Philly food­ie phe­nom Drew Lazor has a great look at all the best spots to get a slice in town in the most recent issue of City Paper and it’s worth check­ing…