Decisions, Decisions
Who should the Phillies blame for their hitting woes: Milt Thompson, the hitting coach, or Mick Billmeyer for getting caught stealing signs?
This Feels Like Home
I think I’ve finally settled on my ideal WordPress theme. I love the fonts, even if the main header is wonky on article pages. I got people who have insight into fixing stuff like that. (Yes, I’m looking at you, Roz.) I’m also gonna totally cop the follow suite from the bottom of Eric Smith’s…
The Trade Deadline
A co-worker said that it was “depressing” that I was already talking about looking forward to the Phillies next season. I told him that once upon a time I’d have felt that way in April! Times certainly have changed for the Phillies. Watching the media circus around their acquisitions of Cliff Lee and Roy Halladay were…
My Part in the Spiral Stairs Snafu
I had no idea that anything I’d ever written, least of all a review of a middling album by Spiral Stairs, would ever gain this degree of infamy, but then this story broke this week. Turns out Spiral Stairs is upset at Pitchfork for their appraisal of his body of work post-Pavement. That’s totally his…