• I Have a Content Problem

    My bro Mark sure has a way with words, huh? When he’s not run­ning things at his day job or blog­ging up a storm at his Tum­blr pow­er­house, Yvynyl, he and I are usu­al­ly shoot­ing the breeze over instant mes­sen­ger. Recent­ly our con­ver­sa­tion turned to the sor­ry state of this blog, which has more or…

  • More Local Inspiration

    Quick shout to Eric Smith, who is some­thing of a blog­gy wun­derkind here in Philadel­phia. We’ve nev­er met prop­er­ly, but he and I have slow­ly built what I hope is a mutu­al admi­ra­tion soci­ety as we wend our way through the dense thick­et that’s known today as con­tent cre­ation and curation. If you’re not hip…

  • An Open Letter to Ruben Amaro, Jr.

    Ruben, How are you doing? It’s been a tough sev­en months, huh? You prob­a­bly thought that things would be going swim­ming­ly by now, that Roy Hal­la­day and Placido Polan­co would make us for­get Cliff Lee, that our Phillies would be cruis­ing to their fourth straight divi­sion title, did­n’t you?

  • Denmark Fifteen Years Later

    How have fif­teen years already passed? Has it been that long? In case you’re won­der­ing, that’s me with some of my Rotary exchange friends, includ­ing Sarah and Jeff, whom I’m both in con­tact with again thanks to the won­drous pow­ers of Facebook. I don’t remem­ber the exact date we left Newark air­port for Den­mark, but I…

  • A Must-Read Unemployment Journal

    I love every­thing about the Awl (and have been mean­ing to pitch them, too), but one of my favorite reads there has been Sam Bid­dle’s Diary of an Unem­ployed Class of ’10 Phi­los­o­phy Major in New York City. Is it wrong to think it sounds like Goethe’s Werther? Just hope he does­n’t meet a woman…