I Have a Content Problem
My bro Mark sure has a way with words, huh? When he’s not running things at his day job or blogging up a storm at his Tumblr powerhouse, Yvynyl, he and I are usually shooting the breeze over instant messenger. Recently our conversation turned to the sorry state of this blog, which has more or…
More Local Inspiration
Quick shout to Eric Smith, who is something of a bloggy wunderkind here in Philadelphia. We’ve never met properly, but he and I have slowly built what I hope is a mutual admiration society as we wend our way through the dense thicket that’s known today as content creation and curation. If you’re not hip…
An Open Letter to Ruben Amaro, Jr.
Ruben, How are you doing? It’s been a tough seven months, huh? You probably thought that things would be going swimmingly by now, that Roy Halladay and Placido Polanco would make us forget Cliff Lee, that our Phillies would be cruising to their fourth straight division title, didn’t you?
Denmark Fifteen Years Later
How have fifteen years already passed? Has it been that long? In case you’re wondering, that’s me with some of my Rotary exchange friends, including Sarah and Jeff, whom I’m both in contact with again thanks to the wondrous powers of Facebook. I don’t remember the exact date we left Newark airport for Denmark, but I…
A Must-Read Unemployment Journal
I love everything about the Awl (and have been meaning to pitch them, too), but one of my favorite reads there has been Sam Biddle’s Diary of an Unemployed Class of ’10 Philosophy Major in New York City. Is it wrong to think it sounds like Goethe’s Werther? Just hope he doesn’t meet a woman…