Forget What I Said About the Phillies
It’s going to be one of those seasons. Read Beerleaguer’s great post on what’s going on with Jayson Werth to glimpse inside the clubhouse. Snakebite hurts! Update: Bill Baer has even further insight over at Crashburn Alley.
Quick Shout to Some Locals
Want to know the secret to quality blogging? It’s easy: publish or perish. It’s a lesson I’ve tried to give myself here, off and on, for a good, oh, six (seven?) years since the days I was an underemployed ex-grad student railing on Blogger. With every relapse I promise to write more. To recommit to…
2010 Phillies Near the Break
Man, it’s been a tough season. When I first thought about writing this post I thought it would be about just how idiotic it was to trade Cliff Lee. He’s been traded again, now to the Texas Rangers, and I think I’m just about ready to make peace with his departure. Do I think it’s…
My Two Cents on Philly Beer Week
Philly Beer Week really works for a select constituency, mainly the guys who are covering the local beer scene. The rest of us can partake in the bajillion events happening all over the place if we like, but if articles like this one are any indication, Philly Beer Week has more in common with the…
Black Mountain — “Old Fangs”
Is it still cool to like Black Mountain? I strayed on their last album, but I’m willing to come back to the fold if it sounds like this, although I’m not hearing the OMG Black Sabbath freakout people have suggested elsewhere. I think I like the Two Lane Blacktop vibe of their new video, though. Maybe…