• Forget What I Said About the Phillies

    It’s going to be one of those seasons. Read Beer­lea­guer’s great post on what’s going on with Jayson Werth to glimpse inside the club­house. Snakebite hurts! Update: Bill Baer has even fur­ther insight over at Crash­burn Alley.

  • Quick Shout to Some Locals

    Want to know the secret to qual­i­ty blog­ging? It’s easy: pub­lish or per­ish. It’s a les­son I’ve tried to give myself here, off and on, for a good, oh, six (sev­en?) years since the days I was an under­em­ployed ex-grad stu­dent rail­ing on Blog­ger. With every relapse I promise to write more. To recom­mit to…

  • 2010 Phillies Near the Break

    Man, it’s been a tough sea­son. When I first thought about writ­ing this post I thought it would be about just how idi­ot­ic it was to trade Cliff Lee. He’s been trad­ed again, now to the Texas Rangers, and I think I’m just about ready to make peace with his depar­ture. Do I think it’s…

  • My Two Cents on Philly Beer Week

    Philly Beer Week real­ly works for a select con­stituen­cy, main­ly the guys who are cov­er­ing the local beer scene. The rest of us can par­take in the bajil­lion events hap­pen­ing all over the place if we like, but if arti­cles like this one are any indi­ca­tion, Philly Beer Week has more in com­mon with the…

  • Black Mountain — “Old Fangs”

    Is it still cool to like Black Moun­tain? I strayed on their last album, but I’m will­ing to come back to the fold if it sounds like this, although I’m not hear­ing the OMG Black Sab­bath freak­out peo­ple have sug­gest­ed else­where. I think I like the Two Lane Black­top vibe of their new video, though. Maybe…