Absorbing “Treme”
It’s way too late on a school night for me to really dig into everything I thought about while watching David Simon’s latest opus, “Treme,” on HBO. What I have been collecting, however, are other peoples’ feelings about the show and I am positively fascinated by the response. I’ll start with the obvious. Lots of…
Charlie’s First Birthday
Charlie’s First Birthday, originally uploaded by J T. Ramsay. What an amazing day! We celebrated Charlie’s big day with 60 of his closest friends and family. Charlie’s birthday had a music theme and rest assured that he’s spending his time turning all the lovely instruments he received into percussion as best he can. I may be…
I Need a New WordPress Theme!
Cleanr’s been great to me. Taught me the value of a clean interface, with dead simple navigation. The problem? It’s not simple enough. Not a year goes by that I don’t realize how important it is to present information completely free from noise whenever possible. What does that mean? An end to two-column theme, at…
A Tale of Two Upgrades
I’ve been pretty adamant about how much I love my iPhone. Since Charlie joined us last year, it’s been my go-to device for all things Internet and communication. I still break out my much maligned Macbook for the heavy duty usage, but the iPhone does what I need for the most part. It’s an old, 2G…
Erykah Badu and Janelle Monae
Caught them at the Tower Theatre Tuesday night. Captivating show. Janelle Monae is an incendiary performer. I feel bad for any artist who has to follow her act. She’s James Brown reincarnate with a dash of Sun Ra’s outer space imagery for good measure. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen anyone sing and dance…