• My Macbook Problems

    Tomor­row I’m head­ed back to the Apple Store at the Cher­ry Hill Mall to fix a prob­lem that began late last year when my hard dri­ve cooked right inside my Mac­book. I went and got the disk replaced in April, but I haven’t real­ly recov­ered from the expe­ri­ence. Sure, my com­put­er works and has a…

  • Erykah Badu — “Window Seat”

    Helen and I are going to see Erykah Badu June 8th at the Tow­er The­ater. Janelle Mon­ae is open­ing. Am I excit­ed? Hell yeah! Just picked up Erykah’s lat­est LP at AKA Music. Love her music so much. She’s also one of my favorite enter­tain­ers these days. Does­n’t hurt that she’s play­ing fast and loose…

  • Free Energy — “Bang Pop”

    [myspace]http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=105056239[/myspace] I know I haven’t post­ed any­thing music-relat­ed here late­ly. I got myself wrapped around the axle there for a bit about the future of music and could­n’t find a way to unwind. Pret­ty sure I’ve put that behind me and will hap­pi­ly be post­ing more stuff that I like here. So Free Ener­gy? I’m real­ly…

  • The Future of Television

    I work for a tele­vi­sion com­pa­ny. When I start­ed at Com­cast three years ago, I was real­ly in the dark about just how com­pet­i­tive tele­vi­sion and film would become. Sure, lots of peo­ple were beat­ing their chests, root­ing for Hulu like the G.E.-owned prod­uct was some kind of under­dog, but then Com­cast bought that. Aside…

  • Grammy and Charlie

    Gram­my and Char­lie, orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by J T. Ram­say. I lost my Gram­my Tues­day. I real­ly thought she might live for­ev­er, but bone can­cer took her to the Great Beyond. She was 86. Words can’t describe what Gram­my Hil­da meant to me. She wel­comed my par­ents to Boy­er­town. I grew up on her fam­i­ly’s farm, which…