• Ain’t No Cure for the Summertime Brews

    As I watch the Phils wrap up a come from behind win against the hap­less Astros, I can’t help but think about what I’ll be drink­ing this sum­mer. It ain’t easy being a Pennsylvanian! Sum­mer beers I like include: Troegs Sun­shine Pils Vic­to­ry Pri­ma Pils Philadel­phia Brew­ing Co. Row­house Red (or Fleur de Lehigh) Sly Fox Pike­land Pils…

  • The Presidential Pitch

    Phillies Open­er, orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by hhan­ni­gan. This was just my sec­ond Open­ing Day game, and, boy, was it a doozy. See that guy stand­ing alone on the mound? Yeah, that’s Pres­i­dent Barack Oba­ma! I snapped it from our seats along the third base line, cour­tesy of for­mer Nation­als right field­er Eli­jah Dukes! I nev­er thought I’d attend…

  • Opening Day 2010

    Is there any­thing more excit­ing than Open­ing Day? Depends, I guess. Last time I went, the Phils were shelled by a Car­di­nals assault led by Albert Pujols. Pujols bounced a ball off the score­board in left on a drea­ry, cold after­noon at Cit­i­zen’s Bank Park. Pret­ty sure he broke a light or two. Things quick­ly got…

  • Get Ready for the 2010 Phillies

    As my two favorite Phillies blogs, Beer­lea­guer and the Fight­ins,  vie for the title of best Phillies blog over at the Phield, I look for­ward to Mon­day’s Open­ing Day game against the Nation­als, with tick­ets cour­tesy of for­mer Nation­als right field­er Eli­jah Dukes. (Thanks, dude! I hope you find a team soon!) This is our third…

  • My Take on MLB 2K10

    It rules. MLB 2K10 is a vast improve­ment over the last ver­sion of the game I pur­chased two years ago. The rea­sons are sim­ple. It’s tak­en the same approach that Mad­den took in sharp­en­ing his name­sake video game: made it hard­er and more realistic.  The approach at the plate no longer requires the hack and…