• Mark Linkous R.I.P.

    I was lucky enough to see Sparkle­horse dur­ing that fate­ful CMJ fes­ti­val that got past­ed togeth­er in the wake of Sep­tem­ber 11th. He per­formed in front of a gigan­tic Amer­i­can flag the own­ers of the Bow­ery Ball­room hung at the back of the stage. He seemed real­ly uncom­fort­able with that. I’m sure at least some…

  • Up in the Air

    My friend Eric tweet­ed late last night,” ‘Up in the Air’: polite­ly mis­guid­ed lib­er­al fan­ta­sy, or egre­gious­ly clue­less and down­right offen­sive in parts Piece Of Shit?” It made me think of the clip above. I watched Up in the Air ear­li­er this week and won­dered what the fuss was about. It tries to do a lot,…

  • Still Recovering from February

    Snow, orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by hhan­ni­gan. Sor­ry for not hav­ing writ­ten more often last month. I feel like I’m still men­tal­ly dig­ging out from all that snow. This week has erased almost all mem­o­ry of 24+ hour snows, but I still har­bor a fear that we may get nipped again before March is out. In the mean­time,…

  • The Getaway

    I’m sor­ry, but a Sam Peck­in­pah film with a hap­py end­ing is hard­ly a Sam Peck­in­pah film.

  • The New Spoon Album

    I’ve been lis­ten­ing to Spoon’s Trans­fer­ence for the past cou­ple weeks. They’re on of my favorite bands. Britt Daniel has become a great lyri­cist and the songs have got­ten catch­i­er with every album. That is, until now. I heard an inter­view with the band last night that made Trans­fer­ence more appeal­ing than it is. Daniel and…