• Spoon — Hot Thoughts

    I haven’t been this excit­ed for new music from Spoon in some time. Maybe since Gimme Fic­tion? I loved Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga, liked a few tracks on Trans­fer­ence and then I’m embar­rassed to admit that I slept through They Want My Soul altogether. The lead sin­gle, “Hot Thoughts,” strikes a famil­iar chord: it…

  • Brock Winthrop — Pastoral Scene

    Pastoral Scene by Brock Winthrop I heard this song at the end of an episode of Chapo Trap House ear­li­er this year and found a link over on the Chapo sub­red­dit. This hits all the right notes for me, blend­ing mem­o­ries of my favorite 90’s pop acts, notably Teenage Fan­club and Matthew Sweet.

  • Finding the Good in 2016

    2016 was a tough year. I broke my leg. My base­ment flood­ed. Rather than dwell on the bad, I took the start of 2017 to think about the things I enjoyed and be thank­ful for those experiences. The Felske Files: when the Phillies were good, there was lit­er­al­ly a brack­et-full of Phillies blogs com­pet­ing for…

  • Visit Cincinnati

    View this post on Instagram A post shared by J T. Ram­say (@jtramsay)   What a spec­tac­u­lar town! Since we moved to Detroit, I’ve been look­ing for­ward to explor­ing more of the Mid­west. We got a bit of a pre­view of what to expect this sum­mer when we fol­lowed the Erie canal on our trip…

  • LVL UP — Hidden Driver

    Heard Sub Pop’s LVL UP on All Songs Con­sid­ered as I drove to Cincin­nati last night. Not only are the per­fect for the per­son who’s still obsessed with Neu­tral Milk Hotel, but this song, “Hid­den Dri­ver,” is about a web­site co-found­ed by one of my very tal­ent­ed grad school class­mates, Astra Taylor! I’m excit­ed to hear LVL…