• A Quick Word on Philly Pizza

    The Philadel­phia piz­za scene is hor­ri­ble. I know Doug Wallen ded­i­cat­ed a small part of his life to assess­ing the Philly piz­za cul­ture and I’m sor­ry to not have tak­en part. I have, how­ev­er, sam­pled more than my fair share of piz­za and, con­trary to pop­u­lar belief, nev­er favored any par­tic­u­lar spot just out of…

  • My Macbook Needs Help

    I recent­ly had a stroke of bad luck with my oth­er­wise mar­velous Mac­book. It was act­ing fun­ny, so I tried to restart. It stalled out and I tried doing a hard reboot. Oops. I found myself star­ing at a grey screen, the fan whirring out of con­trol. Fun! Now I’m try­ing to fig­ure out whether I…

  • My Jay Reatard Interview

    I got the chance to talk to punk phe­nom­e­non Jay Reatard after his SXSW ’08 set. He had a tremen­dous vital­i­ty and fre­net­ic ener­gy that was con­ta­gious. His reck­less aban­don and go-for-broke spir­it will be sore­ly missed.

  • A New Year in Music

    2009 was a dis­as­trous year for me and music. I was real­ly turned off to the pos­si­bil­i­ty that I might like any­thing. I revert­ed to old habits, lis­ten­ing to a dis­pro­por­tion­ate amount of met­al, with­out real­ly explor­ing fur­ther. For some­one who in the past prid­ed him­self on catholic taste, it was some­thing of a dis­ap­point­ment.…

  • Mariah Carey in Atlantic City

    It’s been almost two years since I went up to New York for Mari­ah’s Com­cast com­mer­cial shoot. Back then I was pret­ty opti­mistic about the direc­tion her career was head­ed. It’s been pret­ty amaz­ing to watch the bal­loon deflate. I man­aged to get tick­ets to her recent Atlantic City show at the Bor­ga­ta. The seats…