Starting 2010 Right
Osso buco, originally uploaded by J T. Ramsay. The iPhone photo doesn’t do it justice, but Helen’s osso buco was nothing short of amazing. That risotto was divine and the meat fell right off the bone. Recipes like this one are what wintertime is all about: slow-cooked food that gets you right where you live. The…
Happy New Year!
Helen and I spent a quiet evening in our neighborhood. We ate a delicious dinner at Memphis Taproom — short ribs on a seafood grits bed — and I had a flight of Gift of the Magi, Port Santa’s Little Helper, and Nøgne Ø‘s God Jul. The beer was amazing as well. Our second New…
A Quick Word on Jack Rose
I was at a wedding when I got word that Jack had died. It felt like a punch in the gut. I didn’t know him particularly well, but well enough to say hi when I saw him around town. He lived around the corner from me here in Port Fishington, and I’d often see him…
Merry Christmas!
Delirium Noël, originally uploaded by J T. Ramsay. I drank my way to the perfect Christmas. No, I didn’t drink myself into a stupor, only to spend the holiday in a soporific haze. I think I actually drank the perfect amount of beer to enjoy myself and still be helpful with Charlie. I shared a…
What I’m Thankful for This Christmas
Charlie and Helen Xmas 09, originally uploaded by J T. Ramsay. I think this picture says it all, don’t you?