My Time at TLA Video
The past ten years were host to the greatest challenges and joys of my life. I started the decade as a tough-minded grad student at the New School for Social Research. Somewhere along the way I turned an unpaid hobby into a career. Crazy, huh? In between times, I made the best out of underemployment,…
Resolutions, I’ve Made a Few
I’m looking over the resolutions I made last year. Hilarious! Apart from finally finding a theme I could live with and a couple easy plug-ins for the right rail, I’ve done nothing that even resembles my goals for the year. In light of this I’m going to take some advice from Paul Rudd’s character ‘Kunu’…
I Ran My 2nd Philadelphia Marathon
Want a marathon pro tip? Have a race plan. It’s the only way you’re going to live to tell the tale. You know what I did wrong this year? I didn’t have a race plan. Unlike last year, the world intervened, making it harder for me to train at the level I did in 2008. It…
Music’s Mystique Mistake
One of the things I’ve been seeing recently are people saying that music has lost its mystique. I couldn’t agree more. There’s a great line in Guy Debord’s Society of the Spectacle that applies here I think; to paraphrase, the things that separate celebrities from the rest of us are power and vacations. That was…
I Biked the Strike
I biked the SEPTA strike last week. It wasn’t the romance Philly Bicycle Coalition might have you believe. In fact, it was downright dangerous for anyone who tried to navigate the traffic-choked streets. How about a recap? There is no safe, reliable route from anywhere north of Spring Garden to Center City. The existing bike…