• Music’s Demand Problem

    I start­ed read­ing Michae­lan­ge­lo Matos’s Slow Lis­ten­ing Move­ment blog. I’ve seen vari­a­tions of the argu­ment for slow­ing down, like the slow food move­ment, as a means of chang­ing con­sump­tion habits, which in turn con­tribute to a dif­fer­ent way of liv­ing one’s life. It’s an inter­est­ing idea, but I think the notion of “slow lis­ten­ing” should…

  • Thanks Phillies!

    Helen and Char­lie NLCS Game 5, orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by J T. Ram­say. I’d like to say a belat­ed thank you to the Phillies for mak­ing my son’s first sea­son as a Phillies fan an amaz­ing one. Here he is with his mom and my beau­ti­ful wife Helen at Game 5 of our tri­umphant series against…

  • Our Fall Apple Picking Trip

    Founders Maple Moun­tain Brown, orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by J T. Ram­say. This year I invit­ed our friends out to my old stomp­ing grounds for our annu­al fall apple and pump­kin pick­ing trip. We’ve been to Bucks Coun­ty sev­er­al times, where we’ve often found the orchards picked over. When I recent­ly learned that Fre­con Farms offered pick…

  • Bøgedal No. 146

    Bøgedal 146, orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by J T. Ram­say. My friend Tom­my told me that Bøgedal and Mikkeller were the two must-have Dan­ish beers. I man­aged to tuck a bot­tle of the for­mer into my lug­gage on the trip home and I can assure you that this dark Christ­mas beer did­n’t disappoint. I need to find…

  • Flights of Fancy

    Mem­phis Tap­room Flight, orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by J T. Ram­say. Mem­phis Tap­room intro­duced flights dur­ing their Mys­tery Beer Week­end and nev­er stopped. For just $10 it’s a great way to sam­ple sev­er­al dif­fer­ent beers with­out dent­ing your wallet…or your head. I went home hap­py after tast­ing these three beauties. From left to right: Schlenker­la Urbock; Weis­seno­he…