My iPhone Home Screen
Latest iPhone Homescreen, originally uploaded by J T. Ramsay. What a mess! I started following First & 20 during our trip to Outer Banks this year. Their iPhone home screen series has been very interesting. As I’ve mentioned before, my iPhone became something of a lifeline while I was in the hospital with Helen when Charlie…
My Thermals Session
The Thermals were kind enough to stop by the Comcast Center when they were in town to play a few songs and talk to me about their new album, Now We Can See. The Thermals are the sort of band who do everything right, but I’m not sure they’ll ever get the mainstream recognition they…
My Basement Beer Stash
My Basement Beer Stash, originally uploaded by J T. Ramsay. I have a six pack of Troegs Mad Elf, half a case of Dogfish Head 120 Minute IPA, and an Ultimix case from Ommegang. I have a feeling that it’s going to be a great holiday season. Jealous?
We Went to Cooperstown
Helen, Charlie, and I just got back from a lovely weekend in Cooperstown, NY. We went up to see the National Baseball Hall of Fame, yet we saw a giant pumpkin regatta and came home with a mixed case of Ommegang bottles. Some weekend, huh? It was a great time. The weather was perfectly autumnal. As…