• I Love This Time of Year

    Where did sum­mer go? I haven’t lived up to most of the res­o­lu­tions I’ve made for myself this year, but I think that I get a reprieve since car­ing for my baby boy Char­lie took prece­dent right around June 18th this year. I’m still tin­ker­ing with this blog, as well as redis­cov­er­ing web ser­vices like…

  • My Second Marathon

    I ran my first marathon last year. It was an amaz­ing expe­ri­ence that got me off the couch and back on the trail for the first time in ages. I nev­er looked back. Now I’ve start­ed train­ing for my sec­ond marathon. It has­n’t been easy. It’s been far more chal­leng­ing to moti­vate myself. Being in…

  • Remember CDs?

    A few weeks ago I wrote about falling in love with my turntable again. It lan­guished in the base­ment after a long ban­ish­ment to the guest bed­room, where it sat unused for months. It was pret­ty crazy for a guy whose job is all about music. I res­ur­rect­ed it and all was right in the world,…

  • Pardon My Dust

    Sor­ry I’ve been away so long, but I’ve been kept very busy late­ly with my new son, Charles. I’m pleased to report that he’s a healthy, hap­py lit­tle boy. I’m going to be tidy­ing up around here to reflect some of my new ideas about how this blog ought to look and what I’d like to…

  • Jay Bennett: 1963 — 2009

    I heard the news ear­ly Mon­day morn­ing, but it did­n’t sink in until I read Aquar­i­um Drunk­ard’s post this morn­ing: Jay Ben­nett has died. There are times that I’m embar­rassed to admit it now, but once upon a time I was a pret­ty rabid Wilco fan, and I always had a fond­ness for Ben­net­t’s con­tri­bu­tions…