• Renewing My Love for Records

    I’ve had a love affair with music for most of my life. It’s meant spend­ing mon­ey I did­n’t have just to get a par­tic­u­lar album, lest it sell out and not be restocked. It meant run­ning to Repo Records from Haver­ford Col­lege in the mid­dle of my high school track meets. It meant secret trips…

  • My Turntable Returns!

    My turntable Orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by J T. Ramsay One of the things that makes me laugh is the slew of arti­cles that have been writ­ten late­ly about the resur­gence of vinyl. I laugh main­ly because I felt that the vinyl resur­gence had come and gone. I asso­ci­at­ed the trend with Mata­dor’s renewed com­mit­ment to reis­su­ing…

  • The Phillies: Beer and Baseball

    My first Troegs Sun­shine Pils @ CBP Orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by J T. Ramsay The Phillies start their title defense as they play host tonight to the vis­it­ing Atlanta Braves in the sea­son open­er at Cit­i­zen’s Bank Park. Helen and I did­n’t get tick­ets to tonight’s game, so we decid­ed to catch the first of two On…

  • My Phillies Moment on WHYY

    The World Series Trophy Orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by J T. Ramsay As a new base­ball sea­son approach­es (Helen and I are head­ed to the ball­park this Fri­day, as well as twice next week), I just hap­pened to find a record­ed snip­pet I gave to WHYY out­side of John­ny Bren­da’s on WHYY’s Unob­struct­ed View blog. If I…

  • Dogfish Head Simul-cask @ Memphis Taproom

    Last Thurs­day was a ban­ner night for this beer lover. I met my friend Adam and we strolled on over to Mem­phis Tap­room to enjoy a great Dog­fish Head stunt tap­ping for their 75 Minute IPA. We got there a lit­tle ear­ly think­ing we might have to twid­dle our thumbs for a minute before they…