• Elysian Avatar IPA

    Elysian Avatar IPA Orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by J T. Ramsay Helen and I stopped in at the Abbaye for brunch this morn­ing and I stum­bled upon yet anoth­er inter­est­ing brew from the good peo­ple at Elysian. What made this IPA stand out is its sub­tle fla­vors. Elysian’s Avatar IPA does­n’t bowl you over with high alco­hol…

  • Philly Brewing Co. Birthday

    Philly Beer Co. Birthday Orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by J T. Ramsay I was able to sneak over to cel­e­brate Philadel­phia Brew­ing Com­pa­ny’s first birth­day this after­noon with a cou­ple plas­tic cups of Ken­zinger. It’s hard to believe that it’s only been a year since their brand of deli­cious brews flowed forth from the site that once…

  • No Repeat Beer Week @ Memphis Taproom

    Lest peo­ple start to think that this blog is going to focus exclu­sive­ly on the issues fac­ing the music indus­try, I’m writ­ing today about anoth­er one of my pas­sions: craft beer! In the past year or so I’ve got­ten very seri­ous about the beer I drink, thanks in no small part to Bren­dan, Leigh and…

  • The Sky Is Falling!

    Here’s my absurd, reduc­tion­ist view­point on why edi­to­r­i­al will sur­vive the demise of the music indus­try: just because big con­glom­er­ates won’t make mon­ey sell­ing music does­n’t mean peo­ple will stop mak­ing it. Artists will keep doing all sorts of beau­ti­ful, irra­tional things, often at con­sid­er­able per­son­al expense, even if there’s no one to buy it.…

  • Pandora’s Box

    Scott Ten­nent makes an emo­tion­al plea for music fans to ignore leaks over at  Pret­ty Goes with Pret­ty. We’ve all seen vari­a­tions of this argu­ment before. The MPAA even made spots that echoed this sen­ti­ment. It’s heart­felt, but hope­less. Count­less clich­es could be used to describe what’s hap­pened, but I’ll use this one: you can’t…