• SXSW Music Festival 2009

    As I read this post over at Goril­la vs. Bear, I could­n’t help but think, “Who’s actu­al­ly going to SXSW next year?” I went for the first time in 2008 and had a lot of fun. Sure, I was lead­ing a team on a gru­el­ing four day mis­sion in desert heat for my day job,…

  • Philadelphia Marathon Course

    Click on the pic­ture to enlarge the map of the Philadel­phia Marathon course. I can’t believe this is just a few days away now. I’m real­ly con­fused and scared by the last ten miles of the course. I don’t know how all those peo­ple can be fun­neled up one side of Kel­ly Dri­ve and back…

  • Decibel Magazine’s Year-End Issue

    Deci­bel Mag­a­zine’s year-end issue is a mon­ster dis­ap­point­ment. It’s been a bad year for pub­lish­ing — just check out this offer to see how bad it is for writ­ers — but Deci­bel’s year-end issue is usu­al­ly some­thing worth­while, an oasis of inter­est­ing music writ­ing in a hol­i­day sea­son — a desert of awful great­est hits…

  • Music Industry Shrinkage

    I’m catch­ing up on the starred items in my Google Read­er and as I sift­ed through posts about awe­some can­dy bars to Rosselli­ni, I came across this item from Idol­a­tor about how quick­ly the music indus­try is shrink­ing. Now I’m sure that my for­mer self could’ve nav­i­gat­ed the Bureau of Labor Sta­tis­tics for clear­er num­bers,…

  • The Thermals Sign to Kill Rock Stars

    I got the press release that the Ther­mals signed to Kill Rock Stars just as I got home from the office. I think it’s great that they were able to stay on a clas­sic North­west label, but it seemed more strange that they would­n’t re-up with Sub Pop. Coin­ci­den­tal­ly, Swedes Loney, Dear — a band signed…