When I ran the Philadelphia Distance Run last year, it was a tremendous relief just to be able to run at all. I’d spent the better part of a month suffering from serious tendinitis in my right ankle and hadn’t even been able to run the week before the race. Fortunately, the rest did me good and I was able to run. I finished with 7:58 splits. I ran about half a minute faster than I expected to run and felt great about it.
This year I haven’t had any of those setbacks, but I was still uncertain about my goals for this race. Should I take it easy and treat it as a practice run? Should I push myself and try to hit the 7:15 pace I need to qualify for Boston in November? I met up with Kristen early yesterday morning thinking that I’d do the former. My mind was made up, or so I thought. I didn’t want to be disappointed if I tried to hit marathon pace and failed. This was a failsafe. Continue reading