Why I Switched to Poster

You may have noticed some changes here recent­ly. Here’s a hint: fresh con­tent! Want to know my secret? The Poster app! Now I know we’ve all heard that the iPad is not a con­tent-cre­ation device, but I’m find­ing it pret­ty easy myself. In fact, I haven’t reopened my Mac­Book once, not even to change my blog theme!

Why do I like it so much? It does­n’t try to do any­thing more than allow you to draft, sched­ule and pub­lish con­tent. I don’t need a read­er baked into the app, or to see stats on my per­son­al blog. I just want to dive in and bang out 250–500 words about some­thing I liked enough to write about. Like Poster! If you want to start using your iPad for blog­ging, you should check it out.

How I Fell in Love with the iPad

I know I’m the last per­son on Earth to admit this, but I’m in love with the iPad. Strike that: I’m in love with my wife’s iPad, which I gift­ed her two years ago. At first i thought my iPhone was all I need­ed. I start­ed play­ing with it Thurs­day night and now it’s on my lap non­stop. I’m writ­ing this post on it!

Favorite app? Cur­rent­ly obssessed with Flip­board. Real­ly changes the way I engage my feeds and browse the web. It’s fun again!

What am I look­ing for­ward to? Read­ing. I’m des­per­ate to embrace dig­i­tal books because I can’t shoe­horn anoth­er in our mod­est home. Hope this screen is addic­tive for read­ing as it is every­thing else.

If you have an iPad and are a fan, let me know what your favorite apps are in the comments!