Where Did the Summer Go?

Can’t believe I’ll be going to my final reg­u­lar sea­son game at the ball­park Fri­day night. Feels like it was­n’t that long ago that I was sit­ting with my fam­i­ly in Nation­als Park, watch­ing Roy Hal­la­day make his Phillies’ debut. I love the MLB post­sea­son, but it’s come to mean an end to so many fun things, like going to the ball­park or to the beach or just hav­ing a pic­nic in the park.

This sum­mer was busy and fun. Char­lie turned one and we threw a won­der­ful par­ty in Fair­mount Park. He’s grown so much since then. He’s got­ten his first teeth. He runs like crazy. He’s even start­ed say­ing words and imi­tat­ing Helen and me. It’s been a joy to play with him as he makes the leap from infant to toddler.

Sure, the heat was at times oppres­sive. I’m clear­ly block­ing that from mem­o­ry, thanks to a few weeks of cool Sep­tem­ber air and refresh­ing breezes. Our vaca­tion was per­fect and we’ve had love­ly weath­er and good excus­es to get out­side late­ly. It’s going to be sad to put Char­lie’s brand new bike away for the season.