Woebot’s 100 Lost Rock Albums From the 1970s

Matthew Ingram’s fan­tas­tic Woe­bot blog was an inspi­ra­tion to me as a crit­ic. His vora­cious appetite for and catholic taste in music pushed me to expand my palate and lis­ten to music oth­ers may have dis­missed as less­er works. In short, Woe­bot had big ears and it did­n’t hurt that he could write. 

I’m final­ly read­ing his ebook, 100 Lost Rock Albums from the 1970s and it’s bring­ing back lots of mem­o­ries. This is the music I fell in love with around the time Stephen Malk­mus released Pig Lib and even name checked the Ground­hogs on tour. Some of the ground Ingram cov­ers is famil­iar, but what makes the book so reward­ing are the impos­si­ble to find albums that rekin­dle my love for crate digging. 

If you’re look­ing for a place to begin, check out this com­pan­ion playlist on Spo­ti­fy.

Yo La Tengo: Great Rock Band or Greatest Rock Band?

Here’s some­thing I scrib­bled about @TheRealYLT back in 2007. It’s still so true. Need more proof? Fine. Check out these clips of a reunit­ed Pussy Galoredaz­zling the crowd at Maxwell’s last week. Let’s not for­get the fact that Yo La Ten­go are still play­ing their stan­dard 8 night Hanukkah run while Ira recov­ers from an undis­closed ill­ness. Since I could­n’t make it to any of their shows this week, I’m lis­ten­ing to every­thing Yo La Ten­go on Spo­ti­fy. Unsur­pris­ing­ly, it’s per­fect for this week.

These guys are seri­ous­ly the great­est, most gen­er­ous act in indie rock and I can’t help but think peo­ple still take them for grant­ed, because, well, they do.

(I’d be remiss if I did­n’t link over to Jesse Jarnow’s online home, Frank & Earthy, for full setlists from these shows.)