Party Photographers, Slutever at Younglove’s

Caught some amaz­ing local bands at Youn­glove’s last night. Final­ly saw the Par­ty Pho­tog­ra­phers, who total­ly lived up to the hype. Real­ly fun band. Friend­ly peo­ple, too. Check them out over on their Band­camp page. Watch them play Fleet­wood Mac’s “Rhi­an­non” in the video above.

Sur­prise of the night was Slutev­er, who filled in for a last-minute can­cel­la­tion. They were AWESOME! So much fun. You should prob­a­bly get Sor­ry I’m Not Sor­ry right now.

Spe­cial thanks to Mark and Erin for the lift and the banh mi! Thanks to Youn­glove’s, too! Great lit­tle spot and Dock Street is right across the street. Hard to beat if you’re thirsty and want a bite to eat before a gig out in west Philly.