This was an absolutely spellbinding film. It’s fascinating to see the parallels between the splinter factions in both America and Germany. How the Weathermen and the Baader Meinhof Group became self-appointed representatives of a so-called radical left is a strange epilogue to the advances made worldwide during the Sixties.
The Baader Meinhof Complex does a fine job of showing their descent into madness, as botched jobs lead them to take even more desperate measures, irrespective of the costs. Most interesting was the manner in which the original members disavowed later generations of the Red Army Faction. The movie goes to great lengths to show how brutal political violence is. To sum up: the Baader Meinhof Gruppe went to extreme lengths to protest American imperialism, but those RAF soldiers who remained were really cuckoo for cocoa puffs.
If you’re into political thrillers, it’s definitely worth checking out.